Staying Healthy

Individual Health and Counseling in Huntersville, NC and online in Florida

With fall just around the corner, there has never been a better time to get back into the groove of healthy habits, especially for women.

The best way to start your health groove is to schedule your yearly appointment with your Healthy Woman OB/GYN, your personal expert on women’s health.

Here are some other ways to jump start your health kick!

Set a meal plan. One of the best ways to stay healthy during the fall is to set a meal plan that works with your schedule. Fall is full of apple pies, tasty warm drinks, and football parties, so it’s a great idea to devise healthy meal options.

Stay positive. With the flu season approaching, a positive attitude can make a huge difference. In one study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, participants who had a positive attitude produced greater amounts of flu antibodies. Another study showed that people with sunny personalities produced more antibodies after a vaccination than those without.

Socialize. A great way to stay healthy is by having a great group of friends and family. Having a good social life provides greater longevity and less loneliness, which has been associated with a greater risk of heart disease. Although many think the leading cause of death in women is associated with cancer, heart disease makes up the largest percentage with 24.5% (2008 CDC study).

Be active. Want to increase energy and feel better? Activities such as walking, dancing, or weight lifting can keep bones strong and healthy. Exercise is also a great to naturally battle fatigue and increase energy.

If you are interested in more way to stay healthy in your life, feel free to give us a call at 980-689-1794.


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